Bloom.Express Vol 1 No 2
September 15, 2021Bloom.Express Term 2 2021-2022
May 13, 2022Bloom.Express Vol 1 No 2
September 15, 2021Bloom.Express Term 2 2021-2022
May 13, 2022Bloom.Express Vol 1 No 2
W hen we finally step into SBIS again, the SOPs, social distancing signages and stickers will remind us of one burning question:
“What is the COVID-19 pandemic teaching our students and the community?”
In SBIS, we take this question seriously. We learn from the pandemic and its consequences, and reflect on how they are affecting the future of education and its delivery. We know that when we reach the other side, it will not be "business as usual". Instead, we will have to prepare for the "new normal".
As I sit down to plan for the students’ return to school after the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) is lifted, I ponder on the so-called “new normal” exit strategy.
Why must I sit SO far away from my best friend?”
“What? Do I have to wash my hands AGAIN?”
“Do I still get to enjoy real time with my teacher in my classroom?”
“Can I still submit my assignments online any time I like?”
We anticipate a lot more of such questions and we are ready to assure, counsel, comfort, sympathise and empathise with our children. It will not be an easy path towards recovery .
Social Distancing
When I first laid my eyes on a typical SBIS classroom, my first thought was: How on earth do I fill up this much space? The challenge though will not be merely shifting tables and chairs around in a classroom. It is ensuring that social distancing becomes an automatic, altruistic action derived from self- discipline and consideration for others in their daily interactions.
We expect and will train three-year-olds to fifteen-year- olds to adapt to this new environment. We will ensure learning goes on. SBIS students have learnt by now that physical distance does not stop them from learning.
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31350 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
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