At SBIS, we believe Performing Arts allow children to develop creative passions, they simultaneously teach children language and communication skills, helping them to communicate effectively with others with confidence. Performing Arts are all about self expression, exploring alternative options and embracing individuality. We emphasize the importance of “emotional intelligence”, developing a creative mind and fostering personalities and imaginations as children make their journey through school, to become happy and well rounded individuals.
Performing Arts in SBIS, whether studied and enjoyed by students as it’s own dedicated subject, to build on English language and literacy lessons, or as a cross-curricular medium to support other subjects such as history or science, allow children to experiment. They can embrace all subject disciplines as well as social activities, and because of the confidence and communication skills that they equip children with, children become empowered in whatever career path they decide to follow as they become adults.
They can explore so as to better understand ideas and concepts, and try out different points of view. It’s an opportunity to recreate and reenact situations using different perspectives to reach conclusions. Most importantly, we believe that Performing Arts allow students to be playful and creative. To explore their curiosity and try out new things, and new ways of thinking or behaving.
Every year, SBIS will organise a school production; be it an original story or an adaptation of well-known musical production. Our students are guided to learn to listen to instructions, act, sing, dance and experience a new form of expressing their thoughts and inner feelings through body and facial expressions. It is an important event in our school calendar as it is a day where staff, parents and fellow students gather to witness result of the hard work and effort put in by our crew members.
2 Dataran Botani 1A,Bandar Seri Botani,
31350 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
Say Hi!
telephone : +605 - 2262020
office hours: 8am - 5pm
Monday to Friday except Public Holidays